Ms. Amanda East, MED Library Media Specialist 256-396-1400 ext. 8010 Email
Mrs. Haley Lovelady Library Aide 256-396-1400 ext. 8011 Email:
Ms. Amanda East, MED Library Media Specialist 256-396-1400 ext. 8010 Email
Mrs. Haley Lovelady Library Aide 256-396-1400 ext. 8011 Email:
4 months ago
Welcome to the Central High School Library!
Our library is one of the best places in the school. It has been outfitted with comfortable furniture and boasts a large collection. There is also an adjacent computer lab to this room. Students and teachers are encouraged to visit the library often.
The library is open from 7:05 am until 2:40 pm each day.
Check out our calendar page to learn of events connected with the library. Be sure to also visit the links page for lots of helpful websites and a link to the Alabama Virtual Library. We have recently added a student skills page, which features guides and tutorials on information skills and library usage.
Ms. East and Mrs. Williams also welcome you to visit their bio pages.
To view Central High School's OPAC while at school click here.
To view the OPAC for each school in the county while not at school click the link below. Then choose the OPAC for the appropriate school.
Clay County Schools Public Access Catalog
We also have ebooks available for use. Please see the widgets below to access them.
We also gladly accept donations of age appropriate materials to our library collection and monetary donations. If you would like to make a contribution please contact Ms. East.